Project Results
Educational Material
“Handbook of Energy Consumption in Historical Buildings - Training material for specialists: planners, engineers, architects”, Riga Technical University, Latvia - 2013 - download
Riga Technical University prepared a handbook, tested and adjusted it in a three-day training course. Participants of this training represented several target groups, from architects and consultants to craftsmen.
“Bricks and Brick buildings History, Weaknesses and Potentials”, Hamburg, Department for Heritage Preservation - 2013 - download
This was a one-day training course in the framework of the “Consultant for Brick Facades” further education programme organised by the Hamburg Chamber of Architects. The training programme was already practically proofed two times in 2012 and 2013.
Guideline “Training and education of craftsmen within the energy-saving refurbishment of historical buildings" - download
The guideline proposes and describes learning packages addressing professionals at several levels of planning, supervision and construction work and might be suitable for different target groups. This selection of topics and learning contents covers the most crucial issues.
A Guideline for housing companies and property owners how to assign the best suitable craftsmen for the energy saving refurbishment of historic building - download
One certification scheme for curricula and training modules for specialised craftsmen - download
Lecture material for architects, planners, energy auditors and specialised craftsmen.
Within the Co2olBricks project a number of materials were developed with the purpose of supporting the preparation of specific lectures for architects, planners, energy auditors and specialised craftsmen:
General lectures
- Introduction to Cultural Heritage (in German) - download
- Historic Brickwork - download
- The history of brick masonry constructions in the Baltic Sea Region - download
- Refurbishment measures of historic masonry construction - download
- Calculation of thermal conductivity and moisture regimes in historical buildings - download
- Lifecycle analysis of a building - download
- Innovative heating systems and their usage in historic buildings - download
- Management stages of construction projects, planning of the refurbishment process - download
- Public procurement in the construction market - download
- Evaluation of rationality of investment - download
- Typical structural damages in historic buildings (German) - download
- Analysis of the Lithuanian construction market - download
- Construction ware and products used for renewal of historical buildings - download
- Usage of local construction material in Lithuania - download
- Requirements for building energy efficiency in Lithuania - download
- Energy Saving in Buildings - a question of behaviour - download
Technical Lectures
- Exercise „Damages in Brickwork“:
- Exercise „ Refurbishment of Brickwork“:
- Post-insulation of sloped ceilings - download
- Internal Post-insulation of outer walls - download
- Post-insulation of cellar ceiling and cellar walls - download
- Radiant heating, convection, heating systems, wall tempering - download
- Improving heat production/boiler - download
- Heat pumps - download
- Ventilation system - download
- Improving building air-tightness - download
- Home energy saving devices, Energy saving light bulbs, Daylight controlled lighting - download
- Shading the windows - download
- New windows, energy efficient secondary glazing on windows - download
Low-threshold consideration within workshops, lecture events etc. for owners and stakeholders - download