City of Stockholm
Stockholm City Museum
The Stockholm City Museum's function is to preserve the city's cultural heritage, bring it to life and convey it to Stockholm residents, visitors and future generations.
The City Museums Cultural Heritage Administration is the City of Stockholm’s expert body on matters relating to archaeology, history of architecture and city planning. It protects and documents Stockholm’s buildings and environments of value in terms of cultural heritage, and engages in archaeological excavations. The Department employs conservation officers, archaeologists, photographers and assistants
The main tasks in the project are in WP 3. The work will consist of baseline study, round tables with politicians, experts and other stakeholders. The Stockholm City Museum is also going to participate and arrange seminars and workshops, locally, regionally and nationally, together with other PPs in WP3. We will participate in creating a handbook and writing a policy paper.
City of Stockholm
Stockholm City Museum
Tomas Örn
fon: +46 8 508 31 556