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18.04.2013 | Stockholm | Sweden

Policy Paper and Joint Declarartion - WP3 Meeting in Stockholm

During a lunch-to-lunch workshop in Stockholm, most of the Co2olBricks partnerscame together to discuss the upcoming work on WP3 deliverables

Madeleine Sjöstedt, head of Stockholm Cultural- and Property committee gave some words of welcome and illustrated energy saving in historic buildings by some practical examples from City of Stockholm.

The work package leader introduced the day by going through the agenda and presented the results of the WP3 questionnaire regarding the system of energy audits.
The Lead Partner presented the strategy for the different documents Joint declaration – Policy recommendation and WP3 Guideline which was followed by group discussions which purpose is to establish the strategy and to bring up questions and/or comments to it.

The work package leader introduced the method of discussions called “bee-hives” an educational method originally. You sit in small groups discussing 1 or 2 questions or statements for a short time, buzzing like bees! We reflected rather long time on each question since the context is complex and some of the participants were quite new in the group.

After lunch, work package leader reflected on WP3 Policy development work and results so far which was followed by group discussions of WP3 main policy recommendations.
The finishing part of the day consisted of group discussions of the WP3 Planning manual with following summary in auditorium.

The results of the workshop gave input to how to summarize the WP3 planning manual which will be presented in a 2nd draft on next meeting in Kiel, in June.