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Riga Technical University

Since 2000, the Riga Technical University Institute of Environmental Protection and Energy Systems has implementing the study programme on Environmental Science and provides academic education in three levels: Bachelor of Environmental Science – three-year study programme, Master of Environmental Science – two-year study programme and doctoral studies.
The main reaserarch areas are related to end use energy efficiency, production and utilization of renewable energy sources, different types of fuels, climate technologies, ecodesign, life cycle assessment, energy planning and social and economical aspects of energy supply.

Project activities:

  • Local communication activities in Latvia and if necessary in common project communication activities
  • Participation in development of Joint Strategic Activities
  • Energy audits of 10 architectural heritage buildings in Latvia to be as one of tools for Joint Strategic Activities
  • Survey on existing practice of architectural heritage brick façade buildings and energy efficiency improvements;
  • Survey on research projects in the scope of FP5, FP6 and FP7 related to architectural heritage brick façade buildings and energy efficiency improvement;
  • Research on thermal flow and humidity at architectural heritage building brick facades in Latvia in 10 buildings;
  • Preparation of recommendations for different refurbishment strategies based on both surveys and thermal flow and humidity measurements.
  • Development of training course material for architects, planners and energy auditors for improvement of energy efficiency of architectural heritage building brick facades.
  • Training course for architects, planners and energy auditors.



Riga Technical University
Institute of Environment Protection and Energy Systems
Dr. sc. Ing. Andra Blumberga
fon: +371 295 165 06


Liepaja Art School (source: Alise Berzina)